Get Involved

There are several ways in which you can get involved with The Ajuda Foundation, and help us make a positive difference:

1. Make a donation
At The Ajuda Foundation, we depend on financial contributions to fund our projects.
You can make a one-time or recurring donation by clicking on the link below:

Donate today

2. Volunteer your time
We are always looking for volunteers to help with various tasks such as organising events, delivering training and workshops, or even helping out with research and administrative support.

3. Fundraise
You can fundraise for us by hosting an event, participating in a charity walk/run or even creating a fundraising event or activity of your own.

 4. Donate goods
We do accept donations of good quality items which we can auction at events, or put into our raffles. We are also always looking for prizes for our monthly draw. 

5. Attend events
We host several fundraising events and conferences per year. By attending these events, you can show your support and also help spread the word about The Ajuda Foundation and our work.

6. Advocate
You can become an advocate for us by sharing our posts on your social media. This is a really easy way for you to help us out – and it doesn’t cost you anything! 

7. Partner with us
Businesses can support us by making The Ajuda Foundation their social impact cause of the year. Please send us an email if you’d like to know more about doing this. 

8. Join our board
If you have skills in leadership, tech, fundraising, event management or governance, you can volunteer to serve on a board of trustees.

Would you like to get involved?

Become a sponsor, trustee, or a volunteer and get in contact today.