Sky Dive

Sign up today

Send us an email with your Name and Company Name and we will be in touch.

About this event

Experience the biggest adrenaline rush of your life and help us create a world where good mental health is a reality for all.

1 in 4 people suffer with poor mental health.

The money you raise will help us to deliver vital training to help raise awareness and promote positive mental health.

We are currently looking for persons with a great sense of adventure. Is this you?

The details

Date: 10th June 2023
Location: Swansea
Target: Raise £400 to help fund Mental Health Workshops & training courses.


What to do next

  • Sign up (in the left hand box) and we will then contact you
  • Pay a £50 deposit
  • Receive a fundraising Pack
  • Get sponsorship
  • Tell your friends


The MHW Hub is a platform designed to educate, motivate and provide inspiration, resources, advice and guidance to those with an interest in learning more about mental health. With over 140 videos available, there is plenty of information on demand to help and support you when you need it.

Find out more here:


Would you like to get involved?

Become a sponsor, trustee, or a volunteer and get in contact today.