The Ajuda Foundation was at Fairwater Primary School recently. We taught a whole class of kids lifesaving skills through our Hilly’s Heroes Restart a Heart Project.

We taught the skills needed in the event of an emergency that could save a person’s life. Here are the lifesaving skills we taught:

1) How to go through the CPR process in the event of cardiac arrest.
2) How to help a person when choking.
3) How to place someone into the recovery position.
4) How to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

Here are a few photos at the start of the workshop.

We were very impressed with the class who really engaged with the workshop. They asked lots of questions.

The kids did very well in all the practical exercises. Here are a few more photos of the them taking part in CPR exercises.

Here are photos of the class practicing how to place someone into the recovery position.

Here are photos of teachings on how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

Our workshops are fun and interactive.

Here are photos of teachings on how to help a person in the event of choking.

The Hilly’s Heroes army is growing and on the march judging by these photos.

The more we teach the more lives we can save

The more we can teach people, including the younger generation lifesaving skills means more lives can be saved. Our objective is to teach youngsters these lifesaving skills, building a foundation from the grass routes up. Instilling knowledge from a young age will help save lives in the long term.

Do you need help training life saving skills?

Are you a primary school or organisation that needs to train people life saving skills in the event of an emergency. The Ajuda Foundation through Hilly’s Heroes Restart a Heart Project are here to teach people the life saving skills they need to help someone in the event of a perilous situation.

If you would like to know more about these workshops get in touch. We are happy to help discuss your requirements. Use the contact details below to touch base.

Tel: 029 20576883
