A monthly yoga and mindfulness class has been established at Nantyffyllon Miners’ Institute thanks to an innovative new project from The Ajuda Foundation. The Purple Sunflower Project is a programme of free mental health and wellbeing workshops, activities and training, all geared towards highlighting the importance of promoting positive mental health in the community. The Ajuda Foundation set up the project after the sudden and tragic death of Maesteg resident, Trudy Williams, who was herself a keen advocate of mental health & wellbeing.
Sessions range from qualifications in mental health awareness, and mental health first aid to emotional support animal workshops plus yoga & mindfulness sessions – and it was the yoga & mindfulness held at Nantyffyllon Miners’ Institute in September that really caught the vibe of the community, so much so that volunteers have decided to make the session a monthly event.
Dawn Evans, CEO of the Ajuda Foundation, said, ‘it’s really important that communities take ownership of the Purple Sunflower Project, which is why we make sure that we consult members of every community in which the project runs to find out what they would like us to include in their programme. Each programme is tailored to a specific community, and it just happened that yoga was the one of the sessions which grabbed Nantyffyllon’s attention the most. The Purple Sunflower Project sessions are free, funded by The Ajuda Foundation thanks to grants from The Moondance Foundation, Bridgend County Borough Council, Maesteg Town Council, Barchester’s Charitable Foundation, The National Lottery, The Oakdale Trust, and the Postcode Community Trust, but donations are actively encouraged and welcomed!’
The Ajuda Foundation is currently running the Purple Sunflower Project in 3 venues: Llangynwyd Village Hall, Nantyffyllon Miners’ Institute, and at the Richard Price Centre.
Below you will find the Bridgend timetable of all the 100% free courses we offer. Be sure to book yourself on to one!
For more information, please contact The Ajuda Foundation on foundation@ajuda.org.uk or call the project co-ordinator on 029 22 40 99 23